Sunday, December 8, 2013

Origami Creations - A rose (薔薇花) by any other name

As what we've heard and read a lot, it says that "a rose by any other name, is still a rose".  But it is said, that the correct and actual quote is "a rose by any other name would smell as sweet" and taken from the play Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare.

In origami, there is a famous Rose model by the name of Kawasaki and a lot of the rest of the models practically follows its folding base.  Named after its creator Toshikazu Kawasaki, he was the first to develop the technique of "iso-area folding" i.e. symmetrical folding on all 4 sides to make your origami model piece.

Below is a photo to show the folding symmetry.

A sequence of prelim folds to make the Rose

Noticed that all four sides are folded the same way (a mirror image of each other).

And, below is the final model with some curling to try and imitate the beauty of the Rose.

A full blown Kawasaki Rose

A full and midway Rose bloom

Isn't it a beauty?  

Therefore, in origami, a Rose by any other name is still a Kawasaki Rose.

Have a great day!

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More info:

Toshikazu Kawasaki Wiki

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